I am trying to get a picture of Patrick and Brendan on their stomachs looking at the camera but no matter what Brendan keeps looking at his big brother.
Patrick is definitly an actor, not only does he have his own ideas but he also copies things that he sees on movies. A movie that he enjoys waatching with Travis is Caddyshack (because he likes to see the gopher). So one day I walked into the living room and I see him with an Easter basket on his head holding his tent poles. Patrick said "I'm Carl" I replied "Carl Who". Patrick then said you know Carl who is trying to get the gopher.
It is never a dull moment in the house with two funny boys and a husband. Patrick Loves to pretend to make hamburgers with his playdough and feed his dog, while Brendan loves to be one of the guys.
Brendan loves to watch Patrick, where ever Patrick is in the room you can bet Brendan is watching. Patrick loves the attention he shows Brendan how to work his toys.
On Tuesday my dad was off from work, Michael and Jonathan went to visit my dad while Sandy went out (she joined us later) so when I picked up Patrick from school I took the boys over and we joined in the fun. Patrick and Jonathan had fun playing with all of Grandpa's cars, trains, and airplanes while Brendan enjoyed spending some time with Uncle Mike(sorry no picture of that). Another big event happened that day.....................My dad made lunch, yes it's true read the sentence again if you must. He made us tator tots, spicy Buffalo chicken, and soup, the kids also had applesauce. It was alot of fun and we can't wait for dad to cook for us again.